Stories of Play

September 13, 2021
Developing leaders on and off the playground ›
Before Playworks came to Gustavo’s school, he says recess was bland with just three options for how to spend the time. After Playworks came, there were actual games, regulations for games to make them consistent, a lot less harassment of people making fun of other people. “After Playworks, school felt like more of a safe…

January 25, 2021
The Difference a Caring Adult Makes in the City of Good Neighbors ›
“Schools are going weeks without hearing from kids. Calling it a tragedy doesn’t do it justice. Even if kids are safe, they’re still lost kids because they aren’t connected,” Tyler Davis, Playworks Site Coordinator in Buffalo, NY, explains about kids in the pandemic who haven’t been attending school virtually. At the end of the pandemic,…

May 15, 2020
Recess is Necessary ›
Researchers agree: it’s important to prioritize recess in how schools approach re-opening. The research community has come together to establish the Global Recess Alliance in an effort to bring attention to the essential role of recess during school reopening. These scholars, health professionals, and educational leaders agree that recess is critical for children’s physical and…

April 26, 2019
Stories from the Playground: Coach Hoops ›
It’s not every day that a Playworks #AmeriCorps Coach is honored by the Los Angeles Lakers, complete with a basketball clinic hosted by legendary forward A.C. Green. Then again, being treated to a center court awards ceremony at a Lakers game isn’t something a Playworks Coach experiences every day, either. But it’s her everyday actions…

November 13, 2018
Less Time Arguing, More Time Playing ›
Junior Coach Nyyon is a ro-sham-bo rockstar! Anytime a conflict comes up, particularly during games like foursquare and switch, she is quick to step in and remind students to use ro-sham-bo to resolve the problem and get back to playing. Roshambo, also called rock, paper, scissors, is a quick game of chance kids can play…

November 13, 2018
Learning About Kindness Through Safe and Healthy Play ›
At the school where I am a Playworks Coach, the students and I talked about how we can be respectful by being safe and kind while playing. We discussed the importance of showing respect by apologizing and checking in with others when accidents happen, such as when we bump into each other at tag. Recently,…

November 13, 2018
The First Time Feeling Included Through Foursquare ›
The foursquare court is often the scene of heated recess debates, but it doesn’t have to be. As a Playworks Coach, I get to teach kids how to play together in ways that prevent conflict during “class game time” with each grade. During a recent lesson, I asked my students if they knew the definition…

November 12, 2018
Teaching Conflict Resolution Doesn’t Have to be Complicated ›
Kermit is a natural leader in his class, and all of the kids want to be his friend. During our weekly class game time, I taught Kermit’s class how to play a game called Roshambo Red Light Green Light that combines the best of two Playworks favorites. The kids loved playing the game and cheering…

November 12, 2018
Playworks’ Values Extend Beyond the Playground ›
My first experience with Playworks was on a recess site visit in my capacity as a public health professional. I witnessed how a structured school play environment can also be child affirming, joyous, and a place for leadership development. Years ago as an AmeriCorps member, I had been a playground “Duty” and recess never looked…