
Playworks has given each classroom a sense of community and teamwork. It gives the students healthy competition and the ability to handle success and defeat in a respectful way.
Teacher, American Indian Magnet Elementary School
January 27, 2021
Julio NuñezAssistant Principal, Philip H. Sheridan Elementary SchoolPhiladelphia, PA
“It has been nothing short of game-changing” ›
Over the past four years, I have had the pleasure of seeing the impact that Playworks can have on a school community. It has been nothing short of game-changing. In my previous school experience, I saw children who normally would not have been recognized thrive and become positive leaders for their peers. I saw the…
April 26, 2018
Stacy DeCorseyPrincipal, Excelsior Elementary SchoolExcelsior, Minnesota
How Principal Stacy DeCorsey Changed Recess ›
Our discipline referrals has dropped since Playworks. The changes I’ve seen in staff since Playworks have also been outstanding. My teachers had instructional time back. I had so many positive feedback from families saying thank you for bringing Playworks from Minnetonka.
September 25, 2017
Alejandro EchevarriaPrincipal, Broadway ElementaryNewark, New Jersey
“Disciplinary referrals at recess have diminished to nearly zero” ›
Playworks has taken the worst part of the school day at Broadway Elementary and made it into a time that is fun AND productive. Most of our suspensions and disciplinary referrals stemmed from recess. Many students wouldn’t participate in recess at all so that they wouldn’t get hurt. They would sit around the perimeter of…