Game Tag: Tag Games

11+ Players
All Ages
No equipment needed
10-15 Minutes
Giant ›
This is a great game for indoor play! Students practice self-control in their bodies and voices while also practicing safe tagging.

Large Group (10 and up)
Ages 6-10
Mannequin Tag ›
Play this fun group game to help develop cooperation and listening skills.

Large Group (10 and up)
Ages 3-5
Less Than 10 minutes
Helping Hands Tag ›
In Helping Hands Tag, students need a “helping hand” from another student to get back in the game after being tagged. Use this game to help students remember that it is OK to ask for help when they are feeling stuck.

Any Size
Ages 6-10
10 Minutes
Giants, Wizards, Elves ›
What do the phrases, “Fee fi fo fum”, “Alakazam,” and “I like Candy” have in common? They are all part of the delightful and always hilarious game Giants, Wizards, Elves. Split the group in half and see which side can conquer the other with a funny phrase and butterfly fingers.