Stories of Play

October 23, 2012
The Everyday Heroes Among Us ›
Releasing today… Everyday Heroes, featuring 50 nonprofit leaders who are changing the world. Playworks CEO and Founder Jill Vialet is one of those changemakers – remarkable everyday people who care to take the first step to improve the lives of others. Jill is profiled with alongside an inspiring and eclectic group of committed social entrepreneurs,…

October 16, 2012
Teen Donates $5,000 to Stop Bullying ›
Kids have the power to change the world. An Irvine, Cal. teen read a news story this year about the work Playworks is doing in Southern California to engage students at school recess and prevent bullying on the playground. The Los Angeles Times article shared a study from Mathematica Policy Research and Stanford University that…

October 1, 2012
“It’s the game.” ›
Ben Cromwell is the Program Manager for Playworks Salt Lake City and a champion for play. He is the author of Touch: Making Contact with Climate Change. “It’s the game.” That’s what one of my coaches is telling me this afternoon. I’m a program manager for Playworks Salt Lake City, which means I oversee our programs in nine…

September 12, 2012
Five Things I Learned Interning At Playworks ›
Samantha Gonzalez grew up in California, and attended college at the University of Portland, in Oregon. She interned with Playworks February – April 2012, the last semester of her undergraduate career. She hopes to become a school psychologist and to work to advocate for children with the greatest need.When I first started my internship at…

June 27, 2012
One Playful Adult on the Playground Who is Making a Difference Schoolwide ›
Every year we honor one first year Playworks program coordinator in the field. This coach steps into a school in their first year and takes not only the five components (recess, class game time, leadership development, before/after school and leagues) with excellence, but goes above and beyond to create a positive school climate for every…

June 12, 2012
A CEO Who Leads by the Motto “Work Hard, Play Harder” ›
Every year, we search the country for leaders who value play as much as work. As we know from experience play is a tool to bring out the best in people. A playful work environment increases productivity and job satisfaction and decreases stress. In our search for CEOs who exemplify how success is best achieved…

May 16, 2012
The Power of the Mindful Student ›
When I started in education at the ripe age of 22 at Playworks (then called Sports4Kids), I only knew I loved kids and sports. The past 10 years in education have brought me on a journey from play and sports to presence and mindfulness. At Playworks I learned the tools and skills to create a…

May 9, 2012
One mom’s quest to improve the preschool recess experience ›
Last year, I would pick up my daughter from her first year at preschool at the end of recess every day to find her playing alone. I became concerned she didn't have any playmates. As I discuss with other parents, I realized that I wasn't the only one who had concerns. Parents worried their child…

May 1, 2012
Bringing Ultimate Frisbee to Low-Income Elementary School Students ›
I love the game of Ultimate. Ultimate’s foundational philosophy the Spirit of the Game is a code of conduct that encourages personal responsibility and honesty on the field. When I started working for Playworks, I realized that the play ethic we as coaches strive to instill in our students during recess and developmental sports leagues…