Social and Emotional Learning

December 19, 2017

Playworks is Top 10 Education Finalist in Global 100&Change Competition ›

The MacArthur Foundation challenge drew over 1,904 applicants worldwide. See how play can change the world.

April 20, 2017

Happier schools ›

Using play to develop students’ social skills and improve positive school culture

March 6, 2017

If We Had 100 Million Dollars… ›

Read excerpts from our application to the MacArthur Foundation's 100&Change competition

October 10, 2016

Democracy Begins on the Playground ›

Twelve games to develop engaged citizens of the future.

October 6, 2016

Applying for 100&Change ›

This past June, the MacArthur Foundation announced a new funding opportunity called 100&Change: a $100 million prize ‘in pursuit of one good idea.’ As it did for many, the prize captured my imagination, particularly because of Playworks’ current ambitions. As many of you know, Playworks recently announced our AIM of ensuring safe and healthy play…

kids playing jumprope
kids playing jumprope

The Charlotte Weekly

June 17, 2016

Keep Kids Active this Summer ›

Schools out! Kids cheer! Parents groan. Playworks, a nonprofit devoted to improving children’s health and well-being through activity, wants to help ensure kids stay active this summer. Throughout the school year, Playworks uses recess in low-income elementary schools to encourage “meaningful play” through activity and a four-component program that focuses on social and emotional skills.…

coach and students hula hooping
coach and students hula hooping

Journal Sentinel

April 19, 2016

Playworks Makes Learning Social Skills Fun At Recess At MPS ›

Before coaches started organizing recess activities at more than a dozen city schools, small conflicts could escalate quickly. Arguing, shoving, kids egging on the drama, suspensions and later disruptions in class were common. “It was chaos,” said Jordan Knopp, a third-grade teacher at Siefert Elementary, 1547 N. 14th St. Today, Siefert’s recess discipline referrals are down,…

August 28, 2015

Back to School, Back to Recess ›

Research suggests that playground social skills predict future success.