Playworks is operating in the following Illinois schools:
- Fuller Elementary
- Taylor Elementary
- Brian Piccolo Elementary School
- Ray Elementary School
- Nixon Elementary
- Lyon Elementary School
- St John de Lasalle School
- Madison Elementary School
- Armstrong Elementary School
- Paul Revere Elementary School
- Boone Elementary School
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Literary and Fine Arts School
- Dawes Elementary
- Dewey Elementary
- Kingsley Elementary
- Lincoln Elementary
- Lincolnwood Elementary
- Oakton Elementary
- Orrington Elementary
- Walker Elementary
- Washington Elementary
- Willard Elementary
Playworks has provided training services to the following schools and organizations:
- Sumner Elementary
- Canty Elementary
- Woodson Elementary
- Belding Elementary
- Joplin Elementary
- Moving Everest Charter School
- St. Gall School
- Logan Square Neighborhood Assoc. (2)
- Chicago Park District
- PH Miller School
- Mark Twain Elementary
- Reed-Custer Elementary
- District 30C – Troy, IL (7)
- District 65 – Evanston, IL (13)
- Shenandoah Elementary
- Pershing Elementary