Stories of Play

June 4, 2019
Coach K Connects with Kids ›
A self-professed Southern gentleman from Tennessee, Kwan Buchanan exemplifies dedication to the Playworks’ mission as a third-year Playworks #AmeriCorps Coach. “Coach K” is now serving at Playa Vista Elementary School after spending his first two years at a couple of schools in Watts in South Los Angeles. He grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee, as the…

November 5, 2018
Everyone Gets in the Game ›
Our Playworks AmeriCorps coaches are dedicated to bringing out the best in every kid at each of the schools we serve in Southern California. Coaches help build a culture of play that enables kids to feel a real sense of belonging and have the opportunity to contribute on the playground, in the classroom, and into…

March 9, 2018
AmeriCorps Coach Inspires Youth Leaders ›
Our Playworks AmeriCorps coaches make a positive impact every day at each of the schools we serve in Southern California. Coaches transform schools, engage communities, and inspire youth leaders. During AmeriCorps Week we celebrate their commitment to service and getting things done on playgrounds all over Southern California. Here’s an inspiring story from AmeriCorps Coach…

October 2, 2017
From the Playground to USC ›
After graduating from college, McKenna Griffith was searching for an opportunity where she could make an impact on students’ lives. She was interested in youth development and wanted to hone her skills by earning a master’s in social work, but McKenna knew that she needed more experience to successfully transition into a graduate program. When…

March 16, 2015
The Secret to Playworks’ Success ›
Recess is the most overlooked time of the school day. And at many low-income elementary schools across the country, teachers and principals see that conflict often starts on the playground, and can find its way back into the classroom. With so much pressure on schools to demonstrate student academic performance, recess is often seen as…