Playworks AmeriCorps Coaches make a positive impact every day at 8 Coach schools across Los Angeles every day, impacting almost 5,000 kids this school year. Coaches transform schools, engage communities, and inspire youth leaders. Through service, Playworks AmeriCorps members create a place for every kid on the playground to feel included, be active, and build valuable social and emotional skills by organizing games during and after school. Without these Coaches, we would not be able to impact these schools’ communities every day. Playworks AmeriCorps Coaches are making a bigger impact now more than ever, as kids adapt to a new school climate during a time of such impacting change.
Cecilia “CeCe” Rodriguez
Coach GG’s favorite part about being an AmeriCorps Coach is being part of a dedicated and driven team of AmeriCorps Coaches who are always ready to support her and collaborate together. Coach GG believes in the Power of Play to help forge healthy friendships and relationships, in both children and adults. She adds “play is critical to safe, stable, and nurturing relationships, that help us grow our social and emotional skills. Play promotes physical fitness and encourages greater independence as well as teamwork. Furthermore, play helps build our imagination and creativity, which is essential to our mental wellness and resiliency.” You can find Coach GG on the playground at Manhattan Place Elementary playing her favorite game “Drop that Cookie Tag” with students. Let’s send Coach GG a big WHOOSH Clap.
Chinyere Osuigwe
Coach C’s favorite part about being an AmeriCorps Coach is having a positive impact on students, and creating a fun and inclusive playground! She believes in the Power of Play because “play can shape the way that youth feel about themselves and others. It is powerful to utilize playing to unlock endless possibilities of fun on the playground.” You can find Coach C on the playground at Manhattan Place Elementary playing her favorite game “Hula Hoop Tag” with students. Let’s send Coach C a groovy Disco Clap!
Emani Bradley-Waters
Coach Buggie’s favorite part about being an AmeriCorps Coach is introducing new games to the kiddos, seeing them take charge of games, and becoming a leader themselves. Being a Coach has allowed her to see all that she is capable of, step out of her shell, and build rapport with kiddos and staff members. She believes in the Power of Play because she sees the way it changes kids’ dynamics and ability to understand the fundamentals of playing healthy and inclusive. She sees the significance of how well kids adapt to games and interact with other students on the playground. You can find Coach Buggie playing “Color Tag” at recess at 20th Street Elementary. Sending Coach Buggie a “Beautiful Clap!”
Jeanine Brown
Coach J9 is serving her second year as an AmeriCorps Coach. Her favorite part about being a coach is training her Junior Coaches how to be leaders and help others while gaining enjoyment from it. She adds about her Junior Coaches “they are my “little mini me’s” and it is awesome to see the change from the beginning of the school year to the end of the year.” She believes in the Power of Play because it gives every kid access to fun games and social skills. Play teaches kids to work together as a team, and learn rules, boundaries, and exciting games. You can find Coach J9 at 49th Street Elementary, joining in and playing some of her favorite games like Kickball to show kids that adults can play by the rules too! Sending Coach J9 a fun Bubble Clap!
Johann Tengco
Coach Mikey’s favorite part about being an AmeriCorps Coach is leading and playing games with children all day. He loves to play Foursquare and loves showing kids how much he appreciates them with a Roller Coaster Clap!
Ashanti Durham
Coach Afr!ca’s favorite part about being an AmeriCorps Coach is working with children to positively impact in all aspects of their life through play. She believes in the Power of Play because of how it plays a role to build life skills and character. You can find Coach Afr!ca out on the playground playing Basketball or RoShamBo Relay. Sending Coach Afr!ca with a DJ Clap!
Jordan “JJ” James
Coach Money’s favorite part about being an AmeriCorps Coach are the smiles that he sees on the kids’ faces when they are having fun. He believes in the Power of Play because, it gives the kids time to express their energy and be ready to focus on their class work. You can find Coach Money during recess playing his favorite game, Kickball. Sending Coach Money a Strong Clap!
Jovana White
Anthony “Tony” Pacheco
Coach Tony’s favorite part about being an AmeriCorps Coach is that he gets to play different games with the kids every day. Tony loves to play the game Bodyguard and tells the kids how awesome they are with a Donkey Clap!